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Unlock the potential of your workforce with funded learning Download the ‘Untapped to Unlimited’ whitepaper here

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Unlock the potential of your workforce with funded learning Download the ‘Untapped to Unlimited’ whitepaper here


Keeping you safe & sound


We take welfare seriously, and are committed to providing a holistic approach to Safeguarding. At Babington, we’re not just here to support your learning experience – we’re here to support your overall safety and wellbeing.

Full mask safeguarding header image
Need to report a concern? Contact Safeguarding Click here

What's it all about?

Your safety is our priority

This page provides a wide range of resources and support to help learners, parents, employees and employers with any safeguarding concerns. In addition to all of the resources available on this page, we have a dedicated Safe and Sound team, and you can meet them below.

Safeguarding is about ensuring your overall wellbeing

Our dedicated safeguarding team is available between 08.30 and 17.00 daily

We're here to answer any questions you might have - as a learner, parent, or employer

Our specialist team is here to help you if you need to raise a concern

We can also help connect you with other support organisations if needed

Committed to your safety


Hi, I'm Phil! As Safe and Sound Manager and Designated Safeguarding Lead, I am the appointed person to take lead responsibility for Child protection and the Safeguarding, Wellbeing and Health and Safety of our learners. The Safe and Sound team provide help, support, assistance and guidance to our learners providing safe and effective care enabling our learners to have the best outcomes and a safe space to learn.

Phil Lythgoe

Safe and Sound Manager / Designated Safeguarding Lead


As Designated Safeguarding Officer for Babington my role is to ensure to safety and wellbeing of our learners; ensuring they have access to support, advice, and guidance in a timely manner throughout their learning journey with Babington.

Shannon O’Donnell

Designated Safeguarding Officer

Got a question? Contact the team here Get in touch


Safe & Sound Policies

This area of the site is designed to help you access all the resources you might need in relation to safeguarding – including how our team can support you, and links to relevant external agencies.

In the first instance, if you’d like more information about how Babington supports learners, employers, and wider stakeholders, you can find our key policy and procedure documents using the links below.



Learner Area

As a Babington apprentice, your safety and success is our absolute priority. Besides regular interactions with Trainers and Skills Coaches as part of your study, there are a number of additional resources available to you:

  1. Browse the latest help and guidance to support your study
  2. Access to our learner and employer training calendar
  3. Request further support and training here


If you have a concern relating to Health & Safety, please don’t hesitate to report it using the links on this page. Alternatively, links to specialist external support organisations are available further down this page.

Got a question? Contact the team
Information Communications Technician, Babington


Employer Area

If you’re employing an apprentice, you have a shared duty of care along with your training provider. That means ensuring a safe and supportive environment for learners – from both a professional and pastoral perspective. Below are some resources to help you get started:

  1. Access to our monthly learner and employer training calendar
  2. Request further support on Safeguarding or Health & Safety
  3. Complete further training on becoming a single point of contact for learners.
Got a question? Contact the team


Parent / Guardian Area

As a parent or guardian, you want to know that the organisation your child is studying with is focused on their safety and wellbeing. Our dedicated Safe & Sound team works to support learners, their employers, and you when it comes to ensuring a safe and positive working environment.

The team is available Monday-Friday between 08.30 and 17.00 – as well as offering out of hours emergency support (see below) and links to specialist external agencies.

  1. Understand the importance of Safeguarding for our younger 16-18 learners and our duty of care.
  2. Parental Training on Online Safety 
Got a question? Contact the team


External Support Links

Safeguarding covers a wide range of topics and issues. Our team is available to support you in the first instance, however, should you require specialist advice or support, here are some key organisations you can reach out to:

Abuse | Neglect | Grooming | Female genital mutilation | Domestic abuse |Debt advice | Net aware – Social networks | Sexual advice | Eating disorders | Emotional support | Substance Misuse | Alcohol | Bullying, including cyber bullying | Child Sexual Exploitation | Self-harm | Missing persons | Homelessness (Shelter) | Homelessness (Salvation Army) | Mental health (Mind) | Radicalisation, extremism and terrorism | Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking | Bereavement support | Discrimination (at work)

Our team is contactable using the forms linked from this page, however if you’d rather speak to someone, you can call 07557 265040. We are available Monday to Friday between 08.30am-5.00pm. Outside of these hours, please contact your GP, NHS 111, or 999 in case of emergency. You can also contact the Samaritans by calling 116 123.

Need to report a concern? Contact Safeguarding Click here