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Want to get to grip with apprenticeships? Download the latest free whitepaper and playbook here.

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Want to get to grip with apprenticeships? Download the latest free whitepaper and playbook here.


Babington News - 29 11 2022

We’re sponsoring the National Apprenticeship Awards!

Babington Marketing

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National Apprenticeship Awards, babington

Awards night is nearly here...

For those not already in the know, the National Apprenticeship Awards are England’s biggest celebration of all things apprenticeships – aiming to recognise and reward the achievements of the top apprentices, apprentice employers, and apprenticeship champions from right across the country.

Here at Babington, we know just how important apprenticeships are to individuals, their organisations, and industry as a whole as we look at the power and potential of skills to empower individuals, build careers, and support organisational growth and productivity.

As one of the UK’s largest and longest-established funded learning providers, we’re proud to support apprentices across the full span of standards – from entry-level, all the way up to executive.

For those just starting out, entry and intermediate-level apprenticeships have a vital role to play in helping school leavers access further learning, whilst building meaningful careers and on-the-job experience – all without incurring the average £45,000 debt of a university graduate.

Besides providing viable routeways into employment, apprenticeships have been shown to improve employee engagement, retention, and overall workforce productivity.

As testament to the importance of these standards, we’re delighted to be sponsoring the Intermediate Apprentice of the year’ category at this year’s National Apprenticeship Awards!

As a sponsor of this important event, we’ve been honoured to hear about the exceptional progress and achievements of individuals from across all nine judging regions – and on Wednesday 30th November we’ll be presenting the overall Intermediate Apprentice of the Year award at London’s Leicester Square.

We're delighted to be sponsoring this year's National Apprenticeship Awards. At Babington we're all about developing better futures - and what better way to acknowledge the vital role that Level 2 standards play in building confidence, supporting industry, and creating vital opportunity on so many levels than supporting this fantastic award. Good luck to all the finalists!


Dave Marsh

CEO, Babington

We look forward to joining all of this year’s nominees and supporting organisations at the much-anticipated awards night celebration!

Make sure you head over to our social channels for on-the-night updates, or follow using #NationalApprenticeshipAwards.

Want to find out more about Apprenticeships?

Click here